How does education affect our children and cause harm to children growing and learning in life?

The National Education Association’s (NEA) has two standards that they follow. The first standard is designing an education program that stands firm, and the second goal is to enhance the ability to gain power over the system.

The NEA is determined to gain power even if corruption and undermining others are involved. The undermining of the ideas and devices was developed to imprison the minds of local schools at the same time utilizing the capital to gain control.

The concept is to endorse beyond the limits, their set status in society even if this means putting our children at risk of lacking skills and knowledge to learn.

The NEA strives to control our teachers and gain control over the system. The action has affected parents in that they lack control over issues involving the right to enforce their values, and their quality of state to proceed in date.

This system has also affected the state of conduct in education and the community. The teachers are lacking the ability to have control over the public school systems. Since, the National Education Association enforces Union obligations and takes part in working toward control by linking to government officials.

The parent’s ability to respond to changes in the educational system is decreasing and the students’ ability to study systematically is abolished.

Thus, the National Education Association is taking full control over teachers and at the same time taking charge of what our children think, feel, believe, and so forth.
The National Education Association is also working hard to take full control over parents, diminishing their rights to raise their children accordingly to uphold their principals and work to help their child strive for a better future.

As you can see this creates a problem, since the concept that we are all different in our own way is falling further behind reality. We are who we are and some of us has a gift to see what is right and wrong better than those of us that stand still and watch while others rule our lives.

We all strive for power and control, but some of us go beyond the truth to get where they are determined to go. These people cause harm for everyone and promotes disabilities, mental illnesses and so forth. When a person is diagnosed with a learning disability, it may well be reversed. Since many of these persons know the truth while others are still under the control of a corrupted system.

Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorders are a great example of children with learning disabilities. These children often see in a different light than the common ordinary types.

Unfortunately, doctors medicated the person, since the hyperactive symptom causes them to act out in a manner that is unacceptable to society. Medication used to treat these children is Adderall, Ritalin and so forth.

The medications have drugs known as Amphetamines, which is highly addictive and commonly known as Speed on the streets. The medications were proven to put children at risk, since it creates Psychosis and Schizophrenia tendencies, behaviors, thoughts, and so forth.

ADHD patients are highly observant when symptoms present self to the children. The children study closely the influences of everyone around them, at the same time listening (out of turn) while others are speaking.

This means that they hear words and the words meaning differently than what another person would interpret.

The children often have underlying problems that halt them from learning effectively. Audio/visual problems are common in Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Hand and eye coordination disabilities commonly exist in the children that suffer Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Special educational programs are set up to, (supposedly) teach children with ADHD how to behave and think like the so-called normal society. Instead of moving, ahead the children are sent backwards. Since most teachers hinder them by FORCING, the child to learn on levels that may or may not be effective.

In other words if this person has a 12th grade IQ he or she may be forced to relearn on an eighth grade level. Now we can see how education and learning disabilities work against each other.
