How do we learn is the first question we must ask to understand learning disabilities. Learning starts when we are lingering around in the womb waiting to enter the big world of chaos.

During fertile the child is able to detect vibrating sounds that helps him to understand rhythms of tone and sounds. Later on as the child begins to develop in the womb, he or she is able to learn speech consistencies that helps the child to develop learning skills after birth.

The child is often familiar with the voices that speak daily. If a mother is having difficulties while she is, pregnant. The child may develop nervous disorders, or even suffer depression from the stress laid on the mother while pregnant.

Once the child develops, the inconsistencies show somewhere down the road, since the child may lack the ability to cope with stress.

This will affect the mind and once the mind is tortured, it reduces the ability to learn. It is also possible to be in the womb around a stable environment and still have learning disabilities.

Due to hereditary illnesses, a child could develop mental ill symptoms that decrease his or her ability to learn. It is important to realize how we learn makes a difference in how we interpret what we learn. Since, we are different and see things according to our own beliefs. We must set a side a consistent pattern of rules that work with each of us individually.

First, to deal with learning disabilities we must find a stable ground to stand. We know this is true, since inconsistencies is part of what caused the learning disability in the first place.

If a child is learning in a stable environment, he or she will develop coping skills to learn effectively. After we establish stability, we can move forward by observing the child’s behaviors to see where inconsistencies rest.

This will help us to understand the child’s personality type and see what he or she needs.
Before we start school, we must realize that the children we are teaching are grounded by their own beliefs. In other words, if we are teaching a child from a Catholic background we must review the child’s belief to move ahead. No one can place enough emphasis on beliefs, since this too plays a large part in learning. Beliefs are a set of learned patterns that leads the person to think as they do.

Once we learn the child’s personality type, we can monitor inconsistencies in behaviors that lead to learning disabilities.

Few learning disabilities are linked to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, also known as ADHD and Auditory Processing Hyperactivity Disorder.

When a child has symptoms, leading to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder it increases his or her inability to learn. Since the symptoms include hyperactive we need to set small tasks up for the child so that he or she can learn effectively.
If a child is expected to learn on the level of the average student while enduring Attention Deficit symptoms, it might push him or her to alcohol, drugs or even crime. The child may know the diagnoses title, but may not have a full understanding of why he or she was centered out for suffering.

If this is true, then we need to help the child understand his or her diagnose so the child can move forward.

Often children with Attention Deficit Disorders are forced to act according to standards, which add additional stress to the child. This is because Attention Deficit Disorders interrupt the mind and causes the child to act out inappropriately.

The behaviors are not always learnt. Rather it is a force of the mind that takes full control of the child. Therefore, we need to teach the child new behavior patterns, by helping him or her see how there behaviors are inconsistent.

Telling a child they are behaving inappropriately is not affective. Rather, telling the child why and helping him or her to see the consequences is the key to successful learning.
